Tuesday, May 29, 2007


How often have you felt confused about life ? Does the feeling gush inside you that life is not going the way you want it to be. You wanted to do great things in your life but you end with the routine chores. You do not have the time for yourself. Do you fear any change that will happen in your life, if you try to do something new.

These questions often trouble a person . It is natural to feel this way . But the difference in people come in the way they handle such situations. Some are so comfortable with current state of affairs. They fear coming out of the 'comfort zone' so much that they continue to live the same life day in and day out. Then there are others who take charge of the situation, analyze the state of affairs and then act upon it. In my following posts I will try to list some of the ideas that will help you to clear the confusion in your mind and help you live the life he way you want. Keep watching this space !!